What Is The Success Rate Of Hair Transplant?

Apr 7


Dr. amit

Dr. amit

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Hair loss is the most prevalent concern primarily among men,


Have you noticed your hairline thinning lately? Or do you have bald patches on your head that were once thick hair? Hair loss is the most prevalent concern primarily among men,What Is The Success Rate Of Hair Transplant? Articles but also among women. It is therefore not surprising that the most searched terms on Google in India are "hair loss treatment" and "hair transplant surgery". As the demand for this service continues to grow, there are many organizations and shops in Lucknow and across India that promise to bring back the hair you have lost. But what is the safe and effective solution provided by all of them and how much does hair transplant actually cost which can give good long lasting results. You have many such questions, and Dr. Sri Harsha, a Belgian-trained plastic and cosmetic surgeon, answers all your questions in this article. These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are frequently asked questions by Dr. Mr. Harsh to his patients and will address some of your concerns. However, every case is different and it is recommended that you consult a Dr. Make an appointment for a consultation with Mr. Harsh, where he can do an in-depth analysis of your hair density, the extent of your hair loss and prescribe the right hair transplant. Advice that can help restore your hair loss and if it will be effective and long lasting for you.




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What is the cost of hair transplant?


Cost is the first question on everyone's mind, so before we go into anything else, let's talk about costs first. You have to understand that hair transplant is a lengthy procedure, in which basically one hair follicle at a time is removed from the donor area and transplanted to the receiving area like your scalp. It takes a lot of skill from the surgeon to perform this procedure to ensure that the newly scalped hair is accepted, lives and thrives on your scalp. So the cost is calculated on the basis of how many such grafts you need. The total number of grafts you need depends on the grade (or level) of your baldness. Secondly, there are two major techniques used for hair transplant hair, i.e., FUE and FUT and the cost also depends on the technique used for you.

Hair transplant price at Pinnacle Clinic starts from Rs.30,000.


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Hair Transplant- A Brief History.


Hair transplant surgery dates back to the 1950s. Surgeons all over the world are working on improving and perfecting these techniques. Of course, the hair transplant surgery performed today is again very different, and the results are even better.


Hair transplant is a surgery performed to treat baldness. The process involves planting an area of the body (known as the donor area) and planting them in an area where there is no hair (known as the recipient area). The hair follicles used for the purpose of removal and grafting are called "follicular units".


The surgeon performing this procedure needs to be highly skilled as the follicular units are delicate and delicate to handle. In general, the best hair transplant in India is a minimally invasive surgery.


Gastroenterology Hospital in India



What are the popular techniques used for hair transplant?



Hair transplant surgery can be divided into two types based on the technique used to complete the procedure.


Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT):


Follicular unit transplantation or FUT is traditionally a less complicated form of hair transplant. In FUT, the doctor selects the donor area at the back of the head or near the sides of the head. The donor area or linear bandage is removed as a whole and used for harvesting. The strip is divided into smaller units called grafts. These grafts are placed on the scalp where there is no hair.


Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

While FUT is the traditional method, follicular unit extraction or FUE is the more modern approach to hair transplant. Unlike FUT, where an entire strip is taken from the donor area, FUE involves the removal and harvesting of individual hair follicles. Usually the hair removed for FUE can be taken under anesthesia in small amounts from the top of the head.


If we are comparing FUE and FUT, there are some differences that you should be aware of. The FUE shows almost no visible marks. The surgery time for FUT is short whereas FUE can be done in one long session or multiple sessions. FUE gives more natural-looking results. If you opt for FUT then you have to be ready to accept that the donor area will always be bald. The cost of FUT hair transplant is less as compared to FUE hair transplant.



Who is the ideal candidate for a hair transplant?


Any adult (male or female) who is suffering from alopecia (baldness) is eligible for hair transplant surgery.


There are no other requirements required to be an ideal candidate for a hair transplant.



How to choose the right doctor for a hair transplant?


  1. Firstly, a hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery procedure. It is therefore important that you consult a plastic or cosmetic surgeon, which is better to perform the procedure.


  1. Check what technology is available with the doctor and how well-equipped their clinic is. If the doctor is using the latest technology then maybe the results will look better and natural.


  1. Review testimonials from past patients. Most patients post their reviews on social media pages or on Google or even the doctor's website. Go through them to understand the quality of their work and what the end results look like.


  1. Hair transplant costs in India can also play a major role in choosing the right doctor for you. Depending on the amount of money you want to spend, choose a surgeon who falls within your budget range.


  1. An important element that is often not listed is your personal equation with the doctor. It is very important that you feel comfortable with the surgeon and trusts his judgment and course of action. This comfort level is intangible and cannot be measured, but it affects your choices and your ultimate happiness.



See More: Hair Transplant Side Effects: Know How Dangerous It Can Be!



What questions to ask the doctor during your consultation?


Getting a hair transplant is a big decision as it directly affects the way you look and especially your face. Be sure to consult your doctor before deciding about the type, date and time of surgery, etc.


You can sit down with the doctor to discuss your expectations from the surgery. Most hair transplant surgeons create a projected image of your head and face on what it will look like after surgery using the software. This can help you to ignore yourself and suggest any changes.


You should have an honest conversation with your doctor about the side effects of hair transplants and the risks involved. If you have any doubts about the time to surgery, post-operative care, and results, please speak freely with your doctor and get the answers you need in advance.


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What happens before surgery?

Sometimes doctors give medicine before surgery to maintain your current hair growth and keep the donor area healthy. Apart from this, no other medicine is given before the surgery, nor does the patient have to take any extra precautions.



What happens during surgery?

The patient is given local anesthesia for the surgery. The hair and scalp are gently shampooed and cleansed before starting the process. After that, the surgeon will perform the hair transplant through FUT method or FUE method.


Harvesting is the most difficult part of the surgery. It takes time and a very high level of skill to accurately and accurately harvest the follicular units. If harvesting is done properly then the end result is sure to be better.


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What is the recovery time for hair transplant surgery?


The doctor will prescribe medicines after the surgery to reduce the pain. You will also need to take certain medications to keep the swelling down and reduce the chance of infection.


Hair transplant surgeons ask their patients to cover their heads for several weeks after surgery because the head is in a very delicate position. even

A slight disturbance to the scalp can adversely affect the growth of hair follicles in the grafted area. The stitches on your scalp will be removed after 10 days. Until then, you should be extra careful not to disturb the head.


Patients go back to work within a few days after surgery. They are able to resume their routine without any major hindrance or precautions.


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When do patients start seeing real results?


It takes time for a hair transplant to really start showing results. This is because the follicular units have been removed from their natural area of birth and implanted in a new unfamiliar area. It is similar to removing a sapling from a pot and replanting in a new one. It will obviously take some time for the hair follicles to get used to the new environment and grow again.


Be patient with yourself and don't expect immediate results. It takes minimum 4-6 months for “real result”. Till then you should pay attention to your prescribed medicines (for hair growth) regularly and wait. Gradually, you will start noticing changes and a proper hairline will start to form.



You will go through a phase of "shock loss". This is the stage when you will witness hair fall in excess. During this time many patients begin to believe that their surgery was unsuccessful. But the truth is that shock loss is as natural as hair loss. It is a part of the cycle. Once you undergo shock loss, the hair follicles will completely settle in the recipient area and new hairs will grow back on their own.



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What are the risks involved in hair transplant?


Like any other surgical procedure, hair transplant has some risks associated with it. Following are the risks:


  1. There is a slight risk that the patient's head may bleed after surgery.


  1. The head is one of the most sensitive and vulnerable areas in the human body. After hair transplant surgery, it runs the risk of catching an infection.


  1. Swelling in the affected area is common after surgery. But it can be reduced by taking medicines as prescribed by your doctor.


  1. The surgery involves creating a hairline on your head, near the forehead, on the sides of the scalp and near the eyes.


  1. The treatment area may remain numb after hair transplant surgery.


  1. Hair follicles can catch an infection called follicular infection.


  1. The end result may not be the way you wanted it to be. Sometimes the patient's hair looks unnatural and they become unhappy with the surgery.


  1. Not all hair follicles that have been planted will accept the new area and regrow. Some hair follicles simply fall out after surgery.


  1. The results of hair transplant may not be permanent. In some cases, patients have to undergo second hair transplant surgery in 5-10 years after the first one.