Hassan Mohsen Elhais Articles

Crypto scams - what are your legal defense and guide to avoid being scammed?

Credit Card Fraud: How It Happens and How to Protect Yourself

What is the full list of fines for money laundering in the UAE? Dr. Hassan Elhais

Commercial leasing and breach of contract punishments

Can I Appeal Against an Arbitration Award?

What are the legal actions if a wife caught her husband's infidelity?

What measures are the government taking to combat online fraud?

How does divorce affect children?

Perjury in UAE: Can a defendant get away by using double negative?

Can minors be sued for defamation?

What will be the punishment for fake claims in court?

What are the amendments of civil procedure in the UAE?

Avoid labour and visa fraud when applying for a job in the UAE

What are the recent developments of Anti Money Laundering in the UAE?

Your guide to terminate limited and unlimited contracts