Canada Pharmacy Reports Exposure to Secondhand Smoke could Lead to Memory Loss

Sep 26


Remcel Mae P. Canete

Remcel Mae P. Canete

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Smoking does not only bring health troubles to the smoker alone but to the people around him as well.


Smoking does not only bring health troubles to the smoker alone but to the people around him as well. Troubles pertaining not only to the lungs and breathing but it could also affect the other parts of the body and their corresponding functions. As study findings show,Canada Pharmacy Reports Exposure to Secondhand Smoke could Lead to Memory Loss Articles the cognitive capabilities of man are mainly affected by secondhand smoke. Hence, generic Aricept Donepezil is a great help. 

"According to recent reports by the World Health Organization, exposure to secondhand smoke can have serious consequences on the health of people who have never smoked themselves, but who are exposed to other people's tobacco smoke," according to Dr. Tom Heffernan, a researcher at the Collaboration for Drug and Alcohol Research Group at Northumbria University. "Our findings suggest that the deficits associated with secondhand smoke exposure extend to everyday cognitive function." 

Three groups of individuals (nonsmokers not exposed to secondhand smoke, nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke, and smokers) were observed and given memory exams to check how cigarette smoke has affected their cognitive abilities. Nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke forgot 20 percent more than those who were not exposed to secondhand smoke. Smokers of course performed the worst – they forgot 30 percent more compared to the unexposed group. Affected individuals need to buy Aricept online in order to improve their current state of mental health and function. 

"We hope our work will stimulate further research in the field in order to gain a better understanding of the links between exposure to secondhand smoke, health problems and everyday cognitive function," Heffernan said. Canada pharmacy promotes this type of researches and studies to fully understand how one affects the other. With advanced technology and knowledge, the hardest to find of all hidden data will all soon be revealed for the betterment of mankind. 

Several affiliated Canadian dispensing pharmacies have established programs to promote anti-smoking campaigns. Huge tax added into cigarette prices is not enough to discourage smoking. Government and non-government organizations have to look into this and support various activities to continuously inform smokers of how dangerous its effects could be man and to the nature. 

Smoking, particularly of cigarettes, is by far the main contributor to lung cancer. Cigarette smoke contains over 60 known carcinogens, including radioisotopes from the radon decay sequence, nitrosamine, and benzopyrene. Additionally, nicotine appears to depress the immune response to malignant growths in exposed tissue. Across the developed world, 91% of lung cancer deaths in men during the year 2000 were attributed to smoking (71% for women). In the United States, smoking is estimated to account for 87% of lung cancer cases (90% in men and 85% in women). Among male smokers, the lifetime risk of developing lung cancer is 17.2%; among female smokers, the risk is 11.6%. This risk is significantly lower in nonsmokers: 1.3% in men and 1.4% in women. 

Women who smoke (former smokers and current smokers) and take hormone therapy are at a much higher risk of dying of lung cancer. In a study by Chlebowski et al. published in 2009, the women taking hormones were about 60% more likely to die of lung cancer than the women taking a placebo. Not surprisingly, the risk was highest for current smokers, followed by past smokers, and lowest for those who have never smoked. Among the women who smoked (former or current smokers), 3.4% of those taking hormone therapy died of lung cancer compared to 2.3% for women taking the placebo.